Get free home estimates at your current location with Show Me the Value!
Out for a walk or drive and curious about the home you’re seeing?
You can get Zillow estimates in two touches:
1) Touch “Find Homes Near Me” and a list of nearby addresses appears.
2) Touch the address you want from the list and estimate data is displayed—done!
* You can select a provided address at or near your location without having to be directly on the property.
* The key price facts are shown without having to dig through screens of data or number crunch in your head.
* If you want more details, there’s a link in the app to the Zillow page for the property you’re viewing.
* You can still manually enter any address in the U.S. if you’re looking for a home further away.
Thank you to the following data providers:
* Zillow: Estimate and home data
* Apple: Area map and current location data
* Google: Address look up services and street view images